Greeneville, TN 37743,Pyburn LN
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Greeneville, TN 37743,Pyburn LN
Greeneville, TN 37743,Pyburn LN
Greeneville, TN 37743,Pyburn LN
Greeneville, TN 37743,Pyburn LN


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Pyburn LN Greeneville, TN 37743

839.56 Acres Lot

SOLD DATE : 06/09/2022

Key Details

Sold Price $1,025,000

Property Type Vacant Land

Listing Status Sold

Purchase Type For Sale

MLS Listing ID 1148696

Sold Date 06/09/22

Originating Board East Tennessee REALTORS® MLS

Lot Size 839.560 Acres

Acres 839.56

Property Description

Beautiful East Tennessee timberland on Bays Mountain just off Interstate 81 in Greene and Hawkins County. A recent timber inventory was completed in the winter of 2020 and shows 2,669,760 board feet of hardwood sawtimber and 35,513 tons of hardwood pulpwood. Species composition is favorable and consists mainly of Red oak, White oak, Chestnut oak, Hickory, and Yellow poplar. This tract can be accessed by two county roads from the north and south and features several interior roads and trails. A viable option for investors, the forest products industry, outdoor enthusiasts, or a family looking for a place to call their own.


State TN

County Greene County - 57

Area 839.56


Basement None


View Mountain View, Wooded

Topography [object Array]

Road Frontage , Gravel, County, Paved

Garage No


Lot Description Creek, Private, Rolling, Wooded

Faces 4WD is required to enter the property. Light Rd. Access/Rogersville Side: From I-81 Exit 36 (Baileyton) drive NW on Van Hill Rd. for 5 miles. Turn right onto TN 347 E and drive 4.6 miles. Turn right onto Light Rd. and entrance to the property is approximately 1 mile at the end of Light Rd. Pyburn Ln. Access/Greeneville Side: From I-81 Exit 44 (Jearoldstown) drive 0.6 miles NW on Jearoldstown Rd. to Woolsey Rd. and drive 1.4 miles to Barkley Rd. Cont. onto Barkley Rd. and drive 0.4 miles. Turn right onto Horton Hwy and drive 0.3 miles. Turn left onto Pyburn Ln. Property is at end of the road.


Restrictions No

Tax ID Multiple

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Lynnsey McCarter

+1(252) 412-7455

